Basin evolution We have addressed the problem of salt diapirism. When a salt layer (what remains of an old sea) is buried, it compact less than the surrounding sediments. At a result its density becomes smaller than the rocks above and we have an unstable configuration. As a result salt… more
Earthquakes simulation The development of numerical methods for simulating wave propagation in seismic regions has been subjected to a tremendous growth, occurred in the past ten years.SPEED is a certified and rigorous numerical software for… more

Flow in porous media Subsurface flows are strongly influenced by the presence of fractures. While small and micro-fractures can be easily accounted for by means of upscaling techniques, large fractures and faults play a more complex role, acting as paths or barriers for the flow. These effects are… more
Geodynamics The development of numerical methods for simulating wave propagation in seismic regions has been subjected to a tremendous growth, occurred in the past ten years.SPEED is a certified and rigorous numerical software for… more

Geomechanics modelling We are investigating geomechanical problems in the presence of fractures and faults. We suppose that the physical model consists of two parts: the solid component representing the crust porous material, and the fluid component that represents water and, eventually, oil and/or gas. The solid model is then… more
Spatial Statistics In recent years, spatial statistics has assumed a key role in modeling and predicting geophysical variables. The main goal of spatial statistics is to provide methodologies able to describe and forecast quantitative variables distributed over space, or space-time.See more about

Gridding Sedimentary basins are among the best places to find petroleum and natural gas and to store nuclear waste material. The history of the basin has a deep impact on the characteristic of the oil generated: the evolution and the temperature of the sediments determine localization, quantity and quality of the oil. Moreover, oil usually floats and collects near cap-Rock. Thus, to have a detailed information about oil, we need the information on the past of the basin.Geologists can outline different scenarios of… more
Seismic inversion The discovery of oil and gas fields is the main goal of seismic exploration. Actually, most of today’s industrial activities still rely on hydrocarbons. However, oil exploration is an expensive, high-risk operation, and the oil companies want to be sure that it is worth drilling a new oil well. Thus, it becomes mandatory… more