Epidemiological Modeling

11 posts

New paper on the SUIHTER model published in “Infectious Disease Modeling”

A new open-access paper entitled “Modelling the COVID-19 epidemic and the vaccination campaign in Italy by the SUIHTER model” by Nicola Parolini, Giovanni Ardenghi, Luca Dede and Alfio Quarteroni has been published in the international journal Infectious Disease Modelling. The paper proposes an extension of the SUIHTER model, to analyse […]

The epiMOX dashboard published on Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering

An open-access journal paper entitled “A mathematical dashboard for the analysis of Italian COVID-19 epidemic data” by  Nicola Parolini, Giovanni Ardenghi, Luca Dede’ and Alfio Quarteroni has been published in Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. The paper proposes an analysis of the COVID-19 epidemic on the basis of the epiMOX dashboard […]

Comunicare il Covid

L’infettivologo Matteo Bassetti e il matematico Alfio Quarteroni discutono su come comunicare la pandemia di Covid19 affinché la campagna vaccinale, le regole e, quando necessarie, le restrizioni vengano comprese come l’unica strada possibile verso il superamento della pandemia. “Festival del libro possibile”, Polignano a Mare, 8 luglio 2021.