– Dall’UE, quasi 8 milioni di € per la simulazione numerica di fenomeni complessi

Alla guida del Laboratorio di Modellistica e Calcolo Scientifico MOX del Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico di Milano c’è la professoressa Paola Antonietti, principal investigator nel team che si è aggiudicato il Synergy Grant dell’ERC – Consiglio Europeo della Ricerca: un finanziamento pari a 7,8 milioni di euro per un periodo di sei anni. […]

MOX Report on Functional Boxplot Inflation Factor adjustment through Robust Covariance Estimators

A new MOX report entitled "Functional Boxplot Inflation Factor adjustment through Robust Covariance Estimators" by Rossi, A.; Cappozzo, A.; Ieva, F. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. The report can be donwloaded at the following link: Abstract: The accurate identification of anomalous curves in functional data analysis (FDA) […]

Alfio Quarteroni interviews Luigi Ambrosio

June 9, 2022 In the framework of the Springer Nature Webinars, Alfio Quarteroni (MOX – Polimi) interviews Luigi Ambrosio (SNS Pisa). The speakers will dive into the subject of Optimal Transport, and will discuss the most challenging open problems and the future developments in the field. Click here to subscribe […]

Innovative topology optimization techniques for the design of 3D-printable structures and materials

In collaboration with Thales Alenia Space Italia, MOX has developed a new technology based on advanced mathematical algorithms for the topology optimization of mechanical components, in a finite element setting. The resulting configurations are characterized by lightness and high structural performances, while exhibiting free-form features particularly suited for 3D printing […]