Software @Statistics

R packages:

  • BLSM: improved version of Bayesian Latent Space Model for Complex Networks
  • coloredICA: implementation of Colored Independent Component Analysis and Spatial Colored Independent Component Analysis
  • discfrail: Cox Models for Time-to-Event Data with Nonparametric Discrete Group-Specific Frailties
  • fastHICA: Hierarchical Independent Component Analysis, a multi-scale sparse non-orthogonal data-driven basis
  • FunChIP: Clustering and Alignment of ChIP-Seq peaks based on their shapes
  • fdakma: jointly performs clustering and alignment of a functional dataset (multidimensional or unidimensional functions)
  • fdaPDE: functional data analysis and Partial Differential Equations; statistical analysis of functional and spatial data, based on regression with partial differential regularizations
  • fdatest: interval testing procedure for functional data
  • gmfd: providing some methods for the inference and clustering of univariate and multivariate functional data, using a generalization of Mahalanobis distance
  • IWTomics: implementation of the Interval-Wise Testing (IWT) for omics data
  • msmtools: building augmented data to run multi-state models with msm package
  • roahd: robust analysis of high dimensional data