Yearly Archives: 2024

93 posts

New MOX Report on “Modelling of initially stressed solids: structure of the energy density in the incompressible limit”

A new MOX Report entitled “Modelling of initially stressed solids: structure of the energy density in the incompressible limit” by Magri, M.; Riccobelli, D. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: Abstract: This study addresses the modelling of elastic bodies, particularly when the relaxed configuration […]

A study by MOX published in Nature Communications

The paper “Learning the intrinsic dynamics of spatio-temporal processes through Latent Dynamics Networks,” signed by Francesco Regazzoni, Stefano Pagani, Matteo Salvador, Luca Dede’ and Alfio Quarteroni, has been published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications. The study concerns a new Operator Learning method in space-time, which allows non-intrusive learning of the […]

New MOX Report on “A Virtual Element method for non-Newtonian fluid flows”

A new MOX Report entitled “A Virtual Element method for non-Newtonian fluid flows” by Antonietti, P.F.; Beirao da Veiga, L.; Botti, M.; Vacca, G.; Verani, M. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: Abstract: In this paper, we design and analyze a Virtual Element discretization […]

New MOX Report on “Robust radial basis function interpolation based on geodesic distance for the numerical coupling of multiphysics problems”

A new MOX Report entitled “Robust radial basis function interpolation based on geodesic distance for the numerical coupling of multiphysics problems” by Bucelli, M.; Regazzoni, F.; Dede’, L.; Quarteroni, A. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: Abstract: Multiphysics simulations frequently require transferring solution fields […]

New MOX Report on “Application of Deep Learning Reduced-Order Modeling for Single-Phase Flow in Faulted Porous Media”

A new MOX Report entitled “Application of Deep Learning Reduced-Order Modeling for Single-Phase Flow in Faulted Porous Media” by Enrico Ballini e Luca Formaggia e Alessio Fumagalli e Anna Scotti e Paolo Zunino has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: Abstract: We apply reduced-order modeling […]

New MOX Report on “A scalable well-balanced numerical scheme for a depth-integrated lava flow model”

A new MOX Report entitled “A scalable well-balanced numerical scheme for a depth-integrated lava flow model” by Gatti, F.; de Falco, C.; Fois, M.; Formaggia, L. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: Abstract: We propose a scalable well-balanced numerical method to efficiently solve a […] – Dall’UE, quasi 8 milioni di € per la simulazione numerica di fenomeni complessi

Alla guida del Laboratorio di Modellistica e Calcolo Scientifico MOX del Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico di Milano c’è la professoressa Paola Antonietti, principal investigator nel team che si è aggiudicato il Synergy Grant dell’ERC – Consiglio Europeo della Ricerca: un finanziamento pari a 7,8 milioni di euro per un periodo di sei anni. […]

New MOX Report on “Discovering Artificial Viscosity Models for Discontinuous Galerkin Approximation of Conservation Laws using Physics-Informed Machine Learning”

A new MOX Report entitled “Discovering Artificial Viscosity Models for Discontinuous Galerkin Approximation of Conservation Laws using Physics-Informed Machine Learning” by Caldana, M.; Antonietti P. F.; Dede’ L. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: Abstract: Finite element-based high-order solvers of conservation laws offer large […]

New MOX Report on “Structural health monitoring of civil structures: A diagnostic framework powered by deep metric learning”

A new MOX Report entitled “Structural health monitoring of civil structures: A diagnostic framework powered by deep metric learning” by Torzoni, M.; Manzoni, A.; Mariani, S. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: Abstract: Recent advances in learning systems and sensor technology have enabled powerful […]

New MOX Report on “A multi-fidelity surrogate model for structural health monitoring exploiting model order reduction and artificial neural networks”

A new MOX Report entitled “A multi-fidelity surrogate model for structural health monitoring exploiting model order reduction and artificial neural networks” by Torzoni, M.; Manzoni, A.; Mariani, S. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: Abstract: Stochastic approaches to structural health monitoring (SHM) are often […]