Daily Archives: August 24, 2023

5 posts

New MOX Report on “The Rhie-Chow stabilized Box Method for the Stokes problem”

A new MOX Report entitled “The Rhie-Chow stabilized Box Method for the Stokes problem” by Negrini G.; Parolini N.; Verani M. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: https://www.mate.polimi.it/biblioteca/add/qmox/60-2023.pdf Abstract: The Finite Volume method (FVM) is widely adopted in many different applications because of its built-in […]

New MOX Report on \”lifex-ep: a robust and efficient software for cardiac electrophysiology simulations”

A new MOX Report entitled “lifex-ep: a robust and efficient software for cardiac electrophysiology simulations” by Afriaca, P.C.A; Piersanti, R.; Regazzoni, F.; Bucelli, M.; Salvador, M.; Fedele, M.; Pagani, S.; Dede’, L.; Quarteroni, A. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: https://www.mate.polimi.it/biblioteca/add/qmox/61-2023.pdf Abstract: Simulating the cardiac […]

New MOX Report on \”A staggered-in-time and non-conforming-in-space numerical framework for realistic cardiac electrophysiology outputs”

A new MOX Report entitled “A staggered-in-time and non-conforming-in-space numerical framework for realistic cardiac electrophysiology outputs” by Zappon, E.; Manzoni, A.; Quarteroni, A. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: https://www.mate.polimi.it/biblioteca/add/qmox/62-2023.pdf Abstract: Computer-based simulations of non-invasive cardiac electrical outputs, such as electrocardiograms and body surface potential […]

New MOX Report on \”A staggered-in-time and non-conforming-in-space numerical framework for realistic cardiac electrophysiology outputs”

A new MOX Report entitled “A staggered-in-time and non-conforming-in-space numerical framework for realistic cardiac electrophysiology outputs” by Zappon, E.; Manzoni, A.; Quarteroni, A. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: https://www.mate.polimi.it/biblioteca/add/qmox/62-2023.pdf Abstract: Computer-based simulations of non-invasive cardiac electrical outputs, such as electrocardiograms and body surface potential […]

New MOX Report on “Iterative solution to the biharmonic equation in mixed form discretized by the Hybrid High-Order method”

A new MOX Report entitled “Iterative solution to the biharmonic equation in mixed form discretized by the Hybrid High-Order method” by Antonietti, P. F.; Matalon, P.; Verani M. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. Check it out here: https://www.mate.polimi.it/biblioteca/add/qmox/63-2023.pdf Abstract: We consider the solution to the biharmonic equation in […]