The ECCOMAS2024 congress this week saw several awards to MOX researchers

The ECCOMAS2024 congress this week saw several awards to MOX researchers in recognition of their exceptional achievements and contributions. These included:
-the Ritz Galerkin Medal, awarded to Alfio Quarteroni,
-the PhD Olympia prize, awarded to Michele Bucelli,
-the Oden prize for the best paper in CMAME, awarded to Marco Fedele, Roberto Piersanti, Francesco Regazzoni, Matteo Salvador, Pasquale Claudio Africa, Michele Bucelli, Alberto Zingaro, Luca Dedè, Alfio Quarteroni.
The congress programme also included the following events:
– Semi-plenary lectures by Paola Antonietti and Simona Perotto,
– 15 organized minisymposia,
– 33 invited talks.