The project “AHEAD—Advanced AI Techniques for Early Detection and Personalized Monitoring in Alzheimer’s Disease” is one of the nine selected projects for the 16th edition of the Switch2Product Innovation Challenge. The AHEAD project features a multidisciplinary team consisting of: – Prof. Paola F. Antonietti, Dr. Stefano Pagani & Dr. Mattia […]
Paola Antonietti
Francesco Regazzoni has been awarded a Starting Grant from FIS (the Italian Science Fund) for his proposal titled “SYNERGIZE: Synergizing Numerical Methods and Machine Learning for a new generation of computational models.” The project SYNERGIZE has been awarded over €1.2 million in funding and will span three years, starting in […]
Stefano Pagani and Luca Formaggia served as judges at the Reply Student Clash event, which was co-organized by the Politecnico di Milano chapter of the student association BEST and Reply Italia. More than 300 students participated in developing agent-based AI solutions. It was an intense yet highly stimulating day, providing […]
Frontiere recently interviewed the Technology Foresight working group at Politecnico di Milano, consisting of Paola Antonietti, Cristiana Bolchini, Francesco Braghin, Simona Chiodo, and Giuliana Iannaccone. Check out the full interview here .
Paola Antonietti interviewed by Frontiere – Politecnico di Milano Sinergia, diversità e passione fanno il sucesso di una ricerca
Paola Antonietti presented her research as an “invited speaker” at the 9th European Congress of Mathematics (Sevilla, July 15-19, 2024) The European Congress of Mathematics (ECM) is organized by the European Mathematical Society every four years and is the second largest event of mathematics in the world.
Davide Riccobelli, researcher at MOX – Dipartimento di Matematica, has been awarded an INdAM Starting Grant from the National Institute of High Mathematics “Francesco Severi”, for his research project “MATH-FRAC: MATHematical modelling of FRACture in nonlinear elastic materials”. His project ranked 1st among the applications in all areas of mathematics.
At the ongoing GIMC SIMAI Young 2024 conference at Università Federico II in Naples, three young researchers of the #MOX Lab (Dipartimento di Matematica, #polimi), took center stage, delivering three invited plenary talks: Michele Bucelli Modeling the heart function: mathematical and numerical methods for cardiac electrophysiology-fluid-structure interaction Ivan Fumagalli Numerical […]
At the opening ceremony of the GIMC SIMAI Young 2024 conference, held at Università Federico II in Naples, Francesco Regazzoni from the MOX Laboratory-Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano,was awarded the SIMAI Young Researcher Prize 2024. The Prize is awarded by the Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI) […]