
261 posts

Flow in porous media

Subsurface flows are strongly influenced by the presence of fractures. While small and micro-fractures can be easily accounted for by means of upscaling techniques, large fractures and faults play a more complex role, acting as paths or barriers for the flow. These effects are very relevant for many applications such […]


Plate tectonics is a theory that describes the evolution of Earth’s lithosphere. The lithosphere is broken up in a set of regions called plates moving on the fluid-like asthenosphere; due to this motions earthquakes, volcanic activity and orogeny occur along plates boundaries. The relative motions of plates determine the type […]

Geomechanics modelling

We are investigating geomechanical problems in the presence of fractures and faults. We suppose that the physical model consists of two parts: the solid component representing the crust porous material, and the fluid component that represents water and, eventually, oil and/or gas. The solid model is then augmented taking into […]


by A. Quarteroni, R. Sacco and F. Saleri Springer, 2nd ed., 2007 This book provides the mathematical foundations of numerical methods and demonstrates their performance on examples, exercises and real-life applications. This is done using the MATLAB software environment, which allows an easy implementation and testing of the algorithms for […]

Available toolchains

Our environmental module system  gives access to several toolchains, all based on the GlibC Linux library and a specific GCC suite. Check with the command module avail to list the active toolchains.

Earthquakes simulation

SPEED – SPectral Elements in Elastodynamics with Discontinuous Galerkin SPEED is a discontinuous Galerkin spectral element code for the reliable prediction of near-fault ground motions and seismic response of strategic structures in complex 3D scenarios. It could be employed to establish collapse-prevention strategies for strategic structures located in the proximity […]