Yearly Archives: 2023
Francesco Regazzoni has been elected member of the European Mathematical Society Young Academy: 30 young mathematicians from all Europe have been selected to help EMS to support young scientists in their mathematical development and their career perspectives. Morevover, the Academy will better integrate young mathematicians in the development of the […]
On Tuesday 14 February at 2:15 PM in Aula Saleri (VI floor, La Nave Building), Dario Andrini, new MOX postdoc researcher, will deliver a seminar entitled “Optimal design of planar shapes with active materials”. Abstract: Active materials (e.g., polymer gels, liquid crystal elastomers) have emerged as suitable candidates for shape […]
Prof Paola Antonietti is the new Head of MOX Laboratory, on duty since January 2023, by appointment of the Director of the Department of Mathematics, prof Irene Sabadini. Paola succeeds Alfio Quarteroni, MOX founder and head for the period 2002-2022, recently retired but still active in many MOX research activities. […]