Wavelets in Functional Data Analysis: estimation of multidimensional curves and their derivatives


Statistical learning
Wavelets in Functional Data Analysis: estimation of multidimensional curves and their derivatives
Friday 18th February 2011
Pigoli, D.; Sangalli, L.
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A wavelet-based method is proposed to obtain accurate estimates of curves in more than one dimension and of their derivatives. By means of simulation studies, we compare this novel method to another locally-adaptive estimation technique for multidimensional functional data, based on free-knot regression splines. This comparison shows that the proposed method is particularly attractive when the curves to be estimated present strongly localized features. The multidimensional wavelet estimation method is thus applied to multi-lead electrocardiogram records, where strongly localized features are indeed expected.
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Davide Pigoli and Laura M. Sangalli (2012), Wavelets in Functional Data Analysis: estimation of multidimensional curves and their derivatives, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 1482-1498.