Analysis and optimization of Robin-Robin partitioned procedures in Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems


Advanced Numerical Methods for Scientific Computing
Computational Medicine for the Cardiocirculatory System
SC4I/Digitization, Innovation, and Competitiveness of the Production System
Analysis and optimization of Robin-Robin partitioned procedures in Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
Monday 24th August 2009
Gerardo Giorda, Luca; Nobile, Fabio; Vergara, Christian
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In the solution of Fluid-Structure Interaction problems, partitioned procedures are modular algorithms that involve separate fluid and structure solvers, that interact, in an iterative framework, through the exchange of suitable transmission conditions at the FS interface. In this work we study, using Fourier analysis, the convergence of partitioned algorithms based on Robin transmission conditions. We derive, for different models of the fluid and the structure, a frequency dependent reduction factor at each iteration of the partitioned algorithm, which is minimized by choosing optimal values of the coefficients in the Robin transmission conditions. Two-dimensional numerical results are also reported, which highlight the effectiveness of the optimization procedure.