Design of cellular materials for multiscale topology optimization: application to patient-specific orthopedic devices


SC4I/Digitization, Innovation, and Competitiveness of the Production System
Design of cellular materials for multiscale topology optimization: application to patient-specific orthopedic devices
Tuesday 18th May 2021
Ferro, N.; Perotto, S.; Bianchi, D.; Ferrante, R.; Mannisi, M.
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A flexible multiscale topology optimization methodology is introduced in order to associate different areas of the design domain with diverse microstructures extracted from a dictionary of optimized unit cells. The generation of the dictionary is carried out by exploiting microSIMPATY algorithm, which promotes the design of free-form layouts. The proposed methodology is particularized to the design of orthotic devices for the treatment of foot diseases. Different patient-specific settings drive the prototyping of customized insoles, which are numerically verified and successively validated in terms of mechanical performances and manufacturability.