Biographical sketch
For a complete CV see here
Alfio Quarteroni is Professor Emeritus at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and Professor Emeritus at EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland). He is the founder of MOX at Politecnico di Milano (2002) and first director (2002-2022), the founder (2010) and first director (2010-2015) of MATHICSE at EPFL, the co-founder (and President) of MOXOFF.
He has been Director of the Chair of Modelling and Scientific Computing at the EPFL, from 1998 until 2017. Formerly, he has been full professor at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis (2000-2002) and full professor and Department Chair at Catholic University of Brescia (Italy) (1986-89).
He is the author of 24 books (several of them with multiple editions and translated into several languages), editor of 12 books, author of more than 400 papers published in international Scientific Journals and Conference Proceedings, member of the editorial board of 25 International Journals and Editor in Chief of two book series published by Springer.
In 2022 he was ranked n.48 in the Top Scientist-Mathematics from, n.1 in Italy. AD Scientific Index reports n.1 in Italy, n.5 in Europe and n.35 worldwide.
Google Scholar: H-index 96, cits. 62500; Scopus: H-index 64, cits. 15700 (May 20245)
Link to Publications: Google Scholar, Scopus
Awards and Honors
Among his awards and honors are: the NASA Group Achievement Award for the pioneering work in Computational Fluid Dynamics in 1992, the Fanfullino della Riconoscenza 2006, Città di Lodi, the Premio Capo D’Orlando 2006, the Ghislieri prize 2013, the International Galileo Galilei prize for Sciences 2015, the Euler Lecture 2017, the Euler Medal 2021-22 from ECCOMAS, the Lagrange Prize 2020-23 from ICIAM, the Blaise Pascal Medal 2024 in Mathematics from the European Academy of Sciences, the Ritz-Galerkin Medal 2021-2024 from ECCOMAS, the Ralph E. Kleinman Prize 2025 from SIAM.
He is the Recipient of two ERC advanced grants: “MATHCARD” in 2008 and “iHEART” in 2017, and of two ERC PoC (Proof of Concept) grants: “Math2Ward” in 2012 and “Math4AAARisk” in 2015; recipient of the Galileian Chair from the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, 2001; doctor Honoris Causa in Naval Engineering from University of Trieste, Italy, 2003; SIAM Fellow (first row) since 2009; IACM (International Association of Computational Mechanics) Fellow since 2004. He is member of the Italian Academy of Science (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), the European Academy of Science, the Academia Europaea, the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, and the Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, Honorary member of ECMI and EAMBES Fellow. He has been a member of the IMU Fields Medal Committee for ICM (the International Congress of Mathematicians) 2022. He was an invited speaker at ICM 2002 in Beijing and a plenary speaker at ICM 2006 in Madrid.
Research Interests
His research interests concern Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, , Scientific Machine Learning, and Application to: fluid mechanics, structural analysis, geophysics, biomechanics, medicine, and the improvement of sports performance. His Group has carried out the mathematical optimization of the early Solar Impulse (the solar energy propelled airplane), and the simulation for the optimization of performances of the Alinghi yacht, the winner of two editions (2003 and 2007) of the America’s Cup.
Named Lectures
Among more than 500 invited lectures given, we mention the following named lectures:
- The Lagrange Lecture at ICIAM 2023, Tokyo, Japan
- The David Gottlieb Memorial Lecturship on Scientific Computing 2023, Brown University, Providence, RI
- The Sneddon Lecture 2021, Glasgow (Scotland)
- The Opening Plenary Lecture at 8ECM (European Congress of Mathematics), Portoroz, 2021
- The LIFD Annual Lecture 2020, Leeds (UK)
- The Pedro Nunes Lectures 2018, Lisbon, Coimbra and Porto, Portugal, 2018
- The Russel Marker Lectures 2018, PennState University, State College, USA 2018
- The 2017 Euler Lecture, Potsdam, Germany
- ECCOMAS 2016 plenary speaker, Crete
- PACM Colloquium, Princeton University, 2015
- EMS distinguished speaker 2014, Bilbao
- The IMA Lighthill Lecture, Cardiff, UK 2014
- The Feng Kang distinguished lecture 2013, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
- The Harold J. Gay Lecture, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2012
- The R. Mitchell lecture 2011, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
- Colloquium on the 100th anniversary of the Real Sociedad Matematica Espanola, La Coruna, 2011
- The XXVth Courant Lecture 2010, Courant Institute, NYU
- Frontiers Lectures 2010, Texas A&M University
- The Alan Tayler Lecture 2008, University of Oxford
- Santalò Lecture 2008, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- WCCM8-ECCOMAS 2008, Venice
- IMA, Minneapolis, Math matters public lecture, 2008
- SIAM Conference on Analysis of PDEs, Phoenix, 2007
- International Symposium for Leonard Euler Tercentenary, Basel, 2007
- Lagrange Lecture 2007, University of Turin
- ICM2006 plenary speaker, Madrid