Statistical modeling and monitoring of product and process quality in Additive Manufacturing: opportunities and challenges

Statistical learning
Bianca Maria Colosimo
Dipartimento di Meccanica, Politecnico di Milano
Thursday 11th October 2018
Aula Consiglio VII Piano - Edificio 14, Dipartimento di Matematica POLITECNICO DI MILANO
Additive Manufacturing (AM), commonly known as three-dimensional printing, is widely recognized as a disruptive technology, and has the potential to fundamentally change the nature of future manufacturing. Building products layer-by-layer, AM represents a paradigm shift in manufacturing with many industrial applications. It enables production of huge varieties of customized products with considerable geometric complexity, and the same time, with extended capabilities and functional performances.
Despite tremendous enthusiasm, AM faces major research challenges for widespread adoption of this innovative technology. Specifically, addressing the unique challenges associated with quality engineering of AM processes is crucial to the eventual success of AM. This talk presents an overview of quality-related issues for AM processes and products, focusing on opportunities and challenges in quality inspection, monitoring, control.
Bianca Maria Colosimo is full professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano (Italy), where she is Deputy Head of the Department for research. She is Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Quality Technology (, member of the Advisory Board of the Quality, Statistics and Reliability Section at INFORMS, Council member of ENBIS (European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics) and members of the Manufuture platform (EU). In 2017, she has been selected among the 100 experts in STEM - Since 2017, she is member of the POLIMI2040 board, whose main mission is to design long-term strategies for a technical university in Europe. In the last two years, she has been invited speaker in the professional course on Additive Manufacturing: From 3D Printing to the Factory Floor - at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on the topic “In-situ monitoring of Additive Manufacturing”. In 2017, she has been invited speaker of a plenary talk on “Modeling and Monitoring Methods for Complex Data”, at the Stu Hunter Research Conference (Copenhagen, Denmark).
Her research interest is mainly in the area of Quality Engineering (i.e. statistical process modeling, monitoring, control and optimization), with special attention to advanced manufacturing processes (metal additive manufacturing in particular) in the Industry4.0 framework. In this area, her main interest focuses on novel solutions for modeling and monitoring big data streams (images, videos, point clouds).