Numerical simulations of non-ideal compressible-fluid flows

Advanced Numerical Methods for Scientific Computing
SC4I/Digitization, Innovation, and Competitiveness of the Production System
Alberto Guardone
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Aerospaziali, Politecnico di Milano
Thursday 30th November 2017
Aula Consiglio VII Piano - Edificio 14, Dipartimento di Matematica POLITECNICO DI MILANO
In the close proximity of the liquid-vapour saturation curve and critical point, well-known thermodynamic phenomena including large compressibility and critical point effects results in very unusual fluid dynamics features, including non-ideal or rarefaction shock waves, mixed and split waves. This unconventional behaviour, which cannot occur in the ideal flow of dilute gases, is referred to as Non-Ideal Compressible-Fluid Dynamics or NICFD. The focus of this short lecture is to review the theoretical background of NICFD and to discuss the impact of highly non-ideal conditions on the design and properties of numerical schemes for compressible flows. Exemplary flow fields will be presented and compared to available experimental data from the Test-Rig for Organic VApours (TROVA) of Politecnico di Milano, a unique facility in which supersonic flows in non-ideal conditions can be measured and observed. The present results are obtained within the framework of the ERC Consolidator Grant NSHOCK, of which the presenter is the PI.
Prof. Alberto Guardone's research interests include the theoretical, numerical and experimental investigation of non-ideal compressible-fluid dynamics (NICFD). In particular, he is interested in the observation of so-called non-classical gas dynamics wave-fields in the vapour phase of complex organic compounds and in the near-critical region of pure, common substances. He is the coordinator of the Laboratory of Compressible-fluid dynamics for Renewable Energy Applications (CREA, He is the recipient of a ERC Consolidator Grant 2013, aimed at performing unique measurements of NCIFD flows in the Test-Rig for Organic Vapours (TROVA) facility in Milano. He is contributing as co-PI to two Marie Sk?odowska-Curie networks, the Joint European Doctorate NITROS ( and the Training Network UTOPIAE (, in the field of in-flight icing prediction.