PROMETEO - PROgetto sull'area Milanese Elettrocardiogrammi Trasferiti dall'Ospedaliero AREU 118 Milano

Statistical learning
MOX responsible:
A. Paganoni
F. Ieva
Start date:
October 2009
End date:
June 2014
Anticipating diagnostic time, reducing infarction complications and optimizing the number of hospital admissions are three main goals of this project. Thanks to the partnerships of Azienda Regionale Emergenza Urgenza (AREU) and Abbott Vascular, ECG machinery with GSM transmission have been installed on all Basic Rescue Units of Milan urban area. PROMETEO project, planned and realized by 118 Dispatch Center of Milan since the end of 2008, made possible to send quickly the ECG from territory to 118 Dispatch Center itself, and then to the hospital where patient would have been admitted to, even when a Basic Rescue Unit (Unit managed by volunteers only, without physicians on board) is sent to the patient.