Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policinico, Milano
Dott. M. Domanin, Dott. S. Trimarchi, Vascular Surgery unit. Computational study of carotid plaque and aortic aneurysms
Dott. R. Scrofani, Cardiosurgery unit. Modeling of bio-prosthetic valves and cardiac valve repair
Ospedale Luigi Sacco, Milano
Dott.ssa C.B. Cogliati, Internal Medicine Dept. Study of the COVID-19 infection on the cardiocirculatory and respiratory systems
Centro Cardiologico Monzino, Milano
Dott.ssa L. Fusini, Cardiovascular Imaging Dept. Haemodynamics of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
Dott. G. Pontone, Cardiovascular Imaging Dept. Modeling of myocardial perfusion; study of the COVID-19 infection on the cardiocirculatory and respiratory systems; haemodynamics of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Milano
Dott. A. Frontera, Cardiac Arrhythmia Dept. Modeling and simulation of cardiac arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation
ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milano
Dott. S. Marianeschi, Pediatric Cardiosurgery unit. Computational study of self-expandable pulmonary valve bioprosthesis
Ospedale Borgo Trento, Verona
Dott. G.B. Luciani, Pediatric Cardiosurgery unit. Haemodynamics in bicuspid aortic valve, mitral and tricuspid regurgitation
Dott. G. Puppini, Radiology unit. Haemodynamics in bicuspid aortic valve, mitral and tricuspid regurgitation